Our Own Grown Range
Produce grown at Mallards Market garden includes:
Asparagus, Gymlin, April – July. New crowns first harvested 2018.
Runner Beans, July - November
Beetroot, July – March
Brassicas, broccoli, leaf and purple sprouting broccoli, cabbage, cabbage shoots, spring greens and cauliflower.
Spinach, July – March
Courgettes, July – October
Cherries, June – August, varieties are Merchant, Stella Summer Sun, Colney, Penny and Regina
Leeks, October – April. Traditionally grown and earthed to give a superb strong flavour.
Marrows, Zebra Cross, July – October
Nuts, Hazel, September – November
Potatoes; Wiljer, available all year & Annabel, a salad potato that is hand planted and lifted around May 25th.
Plums, for a long season many varieties are grown and harvesting starts mid-July. Some of the main varieties are:
July – Edda, Opal and Meritare
August – Czar, Oulin’s golden Gage, Reeves gage, Avalon, Excalibur, WJ30 and Victoria
September – Damson, Vics, Haganta and Valour
October – Groves late Victoria, Guinevere and Laxton Cropper
Raspberries, Tulameen and Joan, July – November
Rhubarb, Timperley, early, March – October
Sweetcorn, August – October
Goose Eggs, January – June. These are free range, produced by birds fed on bread, grass, grain, fruit and veg. amazing soft boiled with asparagus.

Locally Sourced Produce
In addition to my own grown products I select local high quality produce which includes a wide selection of apples, strawberries, eggs, mushrooms and broad beans.
I also stock a range of jams, honey, chutney and pickles, my own fresh lamb, pork and sausages are available at certain times throughout the year. Frozen produce including pasture-raised chicken (whole birds and portions) is also available.
I maintain the orchard next door, which provides me with Conference and Williams pears.
I also sell seasoned logs and manure, at competitive prices.